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Wednesday, 17 January 07 :: its their first anniversary

as of tomorrow, the 18th, it will be one year with my new boobs. yes, i still like them. yes, in fact, i still love them. yes, it was one of the best things i've EVER done for my body.

and in other news.

well, there isn't. there just simply isn't any other news. though i did have a nice conversation with ykpd today. i'll admit, there have been days since i came here that i've glared at him with great disgust, but then i have meetings like i did with him today and i'm gladly reminded why i came here.

i have a lot work to do this semester. i'm trying not to panic too much, i'm just trying to take it day by day. trying to get done what i need to get done. i've got a lot of writing to do, which i'm not looking forward too, which should start over the weekend. agh.

BUT i'm heading to oregon in a week. YEAH. i already told ygpd i would only be working a slight bit, my main focus for the weekend is HoN. i need to spend lots of time being held by those beautiful people there. AND if all goes as planned, i get to be at the grand opening of the teen center. there i'll get to hug a lot of people that i hold so dearly to my heart. i can't wait. no, i can't wait to get home and be held. i'll probably cry as my train arrives at the Eugene station.

posted by brooke at January 17, 2007 10:31 PM


cancer sucks

i'm brooke, born in '73. i am currently a phd student in instructional technology. this is the blog where i capture all the neurotic, and the few non-neurotic, moments that seem to come with being a phd student (if you want to read less neuroses and more professionalism go to: oer's, dl's, reuse and culture: it's about a phd student researching digital resources in a multicultural world). i have been from eugene, oregon for a long time.. 8 years specifically (its my home now, but i grew up in southwestern virginia), but now i'm here in logan, utah at utah state university. after finding my roots in eugene i never could have expected that i would leave that liberal oasis and head to utah. but i did and there are days when its a blessing and days when i'm tempted to go back to oregon and beg the folks at lost valley educational center to let me move in. but i won't leave because there are days when this process is better than any kind of high i could ever imagine. what else? i collect things, i have 2 cats, 2 kayaks, 2 laptops (i'm a geek - one mac, one pc). i can be emailed at brookesblog@rivervision.com.

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