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Thursday, 8 November 07 :: susrprise

from my mas b'berry... i'm at a conference.. v v sweet surprise.. my uncle chas who i've not seen in 4.5 years.. since baba. i remeber grwing up. coming to visit my grandparents here in md and how much more excited i was when s & c and t&j were going to be there.. last night i was that same little girl again.. so excited to see my uncle chas.. only this time an adult who could truly appreciate the person that is *my* uncle. i kept looking at him in great disbelief.. that it was him.. probably freaked him out.. but i am a girl who may live far away from family but it doesnt mean i dont love them with all my heart.. anyhow.. susie-- thank you for making the link.. and please tell c im sorry i got all sappy as we were parting tonight. i only wish youd been here too. love you.

posted by brooke at November 8, 2007 09:52 PM


cancer sucks

i'm brooke, born in '73. i am currently a phd student in instructional technology. this is the blog where i capture all the neurotic, and the few non-neurotic, moments that seem to come with being a phd student (if you want to read less neuroses and more professionalism go to: oer's, dl's, reuse and culture: it's about a phd student researching digital resources in a multicultural world). i have been from eugene, oregon for a long time.. 8 years specifically (its my home now, but i grew up in southwestern virginia), but now i'm here in logan, utah at utah state university. after finding my roots in eugene i never could have expected that i would leave that liberal oasis and head to utah. but i did and there are days when its a blessing and days when i'm tempted to go back to oregon and beg the folks at lost valley educational center to let me move in. but i won't leave because there are days when this process is better than any kind of high i could ever imagine. what else? i collect things, i have 2 cats, 2 kayaks, 2 laptops (i'm a geek - one mac, one pc). i can be emailed at brookesblog@rivervision.com.

November 2007
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my heart

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i'm a poor phd student, but i still want stuff

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