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| 48 hours »
Wednesday, 18 January 06 ::
smaller boobs
i now have smaller boobs. i'm delighted and am looking forward to going to victoria's secret with at least one if not more friends to take the girls out for a spin in some new pretty bras in a few weeks. should be fun, a coming out party of sorts.
the day at the hospital was not long. 6.00am-3.30pm. i was rather truamatized till after i woke up.. i remember opening my eyes in the operating room and simply saying 'i want m or m' -- 2 of my friends on my support team who were able to come to the hospital for parts of the day. i got what i wanted and then i was out of recovery in 1/2 hour rather than 3 and back to the short stay unit. i think my big reason for getting out of recovery so quickly was because i had to pee, and there was no way in hell i was going to use a bed pan. so, i woke up pretty damn fast. i don't think most people end up like i did today. the power of my mind, and probably all those lovely people keeping me in their thoughts all day long.
on that note, i need to figure out how i'm going to sleep. i got 2 hours last night, and don't seem to want to sleep tonight. i have to take pain pills and antibiotics in 1.5 hours and empty my drains. i sent my support home, because i knew i'd be less likely to sleep if they were here.. its going to be a long night. tommorrow i've a friend coming at 10, another at 3.30 to take me to my post-op appt, and another at 6. yep.
posted by brooke at January 18, 2006 10:47 PM