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Saturday, 25 November 06 ::
its an existential moment.
i'm sitting here innocently and all.. sitting at my friend jon's desk (cause he's in the big room, with the WINDOW, and cause he's just a nice guy to let me use his computer when he's not here), taking a bit of a break from coding articles, reading an article on some around the world sailing race -- thinking about my grandfather and growing up around his boats (yep, my dear aunt, you know those thoughts ) -- and i'm struck with this huge thought.
how in the world did i end up in logan utah coding articles about personalization, and localization? seriously.
oh yeah. i needed a new start. and the logan, utah thing? a) i applied to only 3 schools, only 2 of which i got into and b) i have this masochistic need to save the world, and i discovered that there were a whole bunch of people here with the same need. *roll eyes*
one of these days i tell ya, i'm going to come around and realize the pleasure in not giving a rats ass about the rest of the world, quit this phd thing and head into corporate america.
back to coding. i must, i must.. code until i finish.
posted by brooke at November 25, 2006 06:22 PM