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Wednesday, 29 November 06 :: enough of the deep stuff.

the high today in logan? a balmy 27, no, NOT celsius. the high tommorrow? a balmy -6. HAHAHAHAHAAHA fooled you. (THAT was celsius). really, 20. *roll eyes* i know, winter has arrived here in logan. thanks to my dear friend M, and her husband J (it was his), i have a totally rockin' navy pea coat its the VERY best coat i've ever had. the cool thing? it has its original buttons, with the navy eagle on them. see, this peace activist has (darnit, do i say had? darnit, i will always have a grandfather) a grandfather who, while he was a marine, attended the naval academy. i grew up with that insignia in the background of all the time i spent visiting my grandparents, who lived in annapolis till i was 18. so, not only is this coat the best coat ever, but to have a coat that connects me with him, them, makes it all that more meaningful. i'll tell ya, i'm a woman who likes the meaningful.

so, yeah. winter has arrived in logan. there's snow on the ground, but these utah folks know how to get rid of the snow from the streets. it snowed about 3 inches, put a layer of ice down, and i'll tell ya - there weren't any schools that ran late. this should be an interesting winter.

okay. i'm out.

oh wait. note the banner day for me..
1) i emailed one of the heros in our field about a tool of his, and not only did he respond, but after hearing what i was going to be using his work for sent me a couple of tips of other resources to look for, along with an unpublished manuscript. i know, i know, not a big deal, really, but its all about baby steps, okay?

2) one of the profs, not ygpd, in our department set up a meeting tommorrow to talk about an article i may get to write with him!

3) a course that 2 months ago folks thought would end up in OCW purgatory (created, but not publicly accessible), with the help of my persistence is now out on the site (the ppp stuff). ygpd made a mention of it today in his blog. i know, i know, REALLY not a big deal, but, really, being that i've thought about quitting SO many times this semester, its nice to see my that my actions probably made a difference here, and its nice to see how happy he is that its up.

4) my prospectus for research methods is almost done. whoo hoo! go me.

note to self: when you are in the purgatory of localizing that ppp stuff, remember today. remember that it is SO worth it.

posted by brooke at November 29, 2006 10:09 PM


cancer sucks

i'm brooke, born in '73. i am currently a phd student in instructional technology. this is the blog where i capture all the neurotic, and the few non-neurotic, moments that seem to come with being a phd student (if you want to read less neuroses and more professionalism go to: oer's, dl's, reuse and culture: it's about a phd student researching digital resources in a multicultural world). i have been from eugene, oregon for a long time.. 8 years specifically (its my home now, but i grew up in southwestern virginia), but now i'm here in logan, utah at utah state university. after finding my roots in eugene i never could have expected that i would leave that liberal oasis and head to utah. but i did and there are days when its a blessing and days when i'm tempted to go back to oregon and beg the folks at lost valley educational center to let me move in. but i won't leave because there are days when this process is better than any kind of high i could ever imagine. what else? i collect things, i have 2 cats, 2 kayaks, 2 laptops (i'm a geek - one mac, one pc). i can be emailed at brookesblog@rivervision.com.

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