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Monday, 4 December 06 ::
if i ever needed a reminder
of why i'm here doing what i am doing, this is a good one:
this week in peace history.
honestly? i think people forget about who brought them the rights that they have. people who sit idly by and watch the peace and justice activists do their thing, thinking we're a bunch of whack jobs. well, 100 years ago people thought that women who actively campaigned for the vote were whack jobs, and 50 years ago they thought the same thing about people who wanted to end racial segregation. and now, now we just take those things, mostly, for granted.
if people would just listen to the activists now it really would save a lot of grief, anger, hurt, and (for the people who really care) money.
Bush, G.W. (2003). The War in Iraq. Washington D.C.: Screw the Country Press
posted by brooke at December 4, 2006 12:31 PM